Soesilo Soedarman Museum

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Soesilo Soedarman Museum is located at the Village of Gentasari, Distric of Cilacap, in Central Java Province, Indonesia. Soesilo Soedarman Museum was inaugurated in the year of 2000 in honor of the late General Soesilo Soedarman (1928 – 1997), a prominent Indonesian military leader and one of the Indonesia’s distinguished citizens. Soesilo Soedarman graduated with honor from the Yogyakarta Military Academy Class of 1948, and was swearing in as a Second Lieutenant by Ir.Soekarno, the Indonesian first President, on November 28, 1948. He served in the Indonesian Cavalry Corps.

During his 40 year of military career (1945-1985), he served distinctly as a field commander, an Operation Officer, a Staff Officer, served in various Military Schools, as the Defense Attache in Washington-USA, as a General Staff at the Indonesian Armed Forces Headquarter, and as a Commander of the Sumatera and West Kalimantan Defense Regional Command (1981 – 1985). He saw military campaigns in West Java, West Sumatera and South Sulawesi. He also received military trainings in the Netherland, at the United States of America and at the Soviet Union. Since 1986 until 1997, he assumed public position as the Indonesian Ambassador to the United States of America (1986-1988), as the Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunication (1988-1993) and as the Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs (1993-1997).

General Soesilo Soedarman died on December 18, 1997. He was buried at the Kalibata Hero Cemetery in Jakarta with full military honor. He survived with his wife, Widaningsri, and five children. Indonesia went into 3-days National Mourning and the flag was lowered into a half-staff. For his 52 years of serving the Nation, Soesilo Soedarman received 25 medals of Honor coming from The Government of Indonesia, the USA, The Netherland and from The Kingdom of Austria.

The Museum exhibits memorabilias, articles and photos of Soesilo Soedarman during his life as an Indonesian Military Officer, during his public service roles and his role in the communities, among others, as Vice Chairman of the Indonesian National Sport Committee (KONI), as Member of The Board of Trustees at the University of Lampung, at the University of General Soedirman in Purwokerto and at the University of March 11, in Surakarta. He was also chaired the Ki Hadjar Dewantara Foundation, The Seruan Eling Banyumas (SERULINGMAS) Foundation and was The Chairman of the Indonesian Armed Forces Retirees Organization (PEPABRI).

(all pic taken from

Posted by Indonesia Dalam Bingkai at 8:16 AM 0 comments  

Begalan Arts, The Philosophy of Life

Begalan is a type of traditional Banyumas art in Banyumas region of Indonesia. This art is usually performed in a series of wedding ceremony. It is shown when the groom and his entourage entered the court of the bride house. Word begalan is similar to robberies in Banyumas language. The interesting part of the art is the dialogue between the mugged by the robber typically contain criticism and advice for prospective brides and delivered in a style full of witty humor.

The ceremony is held when the bridegroom is the eldest son. Begalan art actually is a combination of dance and the art of speech or the art of clowning with accompaniment gending (Banyumas local music instrument). As classical dance, the dance movement is not so attached to certain important benchmark in tune with the rhythm of the dance movement of gending. This arts consists of 2 dancers, one to act as a carrier of goods (kitchen appliances), a longer acting as a robbers. The goods were taken, among others steamer, sieve residue, and winnowing tray. Their luggage is usually called brenong. Harrier usually carry a wooden sword.

Costume players quite simple, they generally wear Javanese cloth. The dialog presented both players be translated from the language of the symbols items taken, for example, the fan bamboo, interpreted as a warning to husbands and wives to distinguish good and bad. Rice means that life requires a container that has a certain order so it should not be done arbitrarily themselves. Steamers are cooking appliance or cook rice, it symbolizes that after marriage the way he thinks should be cooked or baked. Besides enjoying the attractions of dance skill and gending rhythm, the audience was also treated to interesting of  full humor dialogues. 

Posted by Indonesia Dalam Bingkai at 7:27 AM 0 comments  

Let’s Play Canang

Friday, October 12, 2012

Canang is a traditional music instruments belong’s to Gayo, Alas Tamiang and Alas tribe Aceh Province Indonesia. The people of Aceh called "Canang Trieng", in Gayo called "Teganing", in Tamiang called "Harp" and in Alas-called "harp Sports".

It is made from a fairly old and well bamboo. The creator then made a hole on it. Holes located on the bamboo segment called kelupak (Alas and Gayo). Number of rope is not the same in every region. In Canang Trieng there are 5 pieces of rope (string) is 4 units located adjacent to each other on the left, while a little big longer located in the right hole. The rope picked using the left stick, while the right hand plucked string with a nail or left thumb.

There are three straps lute pieces and there are 4 pieces. While there 4 to 5 pieces on Olah Harp, which is named the rope itself is gong (large rope near keleepak), level (1 or 2 pieces of rope that is located in the middle) and gerindik (most delicate rope or high voice), plucked with a thin bamboo. In teganing there are 3 pieces of the thin straps located at the far right and far left rough lies. Each strap is called a sequentially as the cymbals, and gongs memong. To play teganing you must hit the strings with wooden beater called peguel.

Almost all areas in Aceh have Canang tools and has a different meaning and function. Canang generally  well known as entertainment for children. Usually played after work in the fields or filling spare time.

Posted by Indonesia Dalam Bingkai at 8:30 PM 0 comments  

Surakarta Vastenburg Fort

Vastenburg fort is one of the former Dutch which is located in the Gladak, Surakarta Indonesia. The fort was built in 1745 by order of the Governor General Baron Van Imhoff. As part of the supervision of the Dutch against the rulers of Surakarta, the fort was built, as well as the central garrison. Situated opposite the residence of the governor of the Netherlands (now the City Hall offices Surakarta) Gladak region.

The form of this fort walls are protrusions called seleka space (bastion). Around the walls of the fort are the moat that serves as a protection to the bridge at the front and rear doors. The building consists of several separate barracks with their respective functions within the military. In the center of the fort there is open land to prepare troops for apples flag.

After independence, the fort was used as a military headquarters to maintain independence. During the 1970-1980's the building was used as a military training center of Indonesian National Army. In the context of urban morphology, the castle played an important role to the link of Solo-Semarang city. The city of Solo in XVIII-XIX period, as the center of trade and marked the development of the colonial city. Interestingly, these developments are created in shades of traditionalistic power Surakarta Kingdom.

In that place, the strength of the Dutch troops were concentrated. There is also a sort of underground bunker large enough below the castle. The bunker was used to jail the prisoners.

Posted by Indonesia Dalam Bingkai at 12:23 PM 0 comments  

Saman, Amazing Dance Movement

Saman dance is Gayo tribe traditional dance from Aceh Indonesia. Saman dance generally performed when there is an important event. Saman dance is also shown on the occasion of Birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW (born prophet Muhammad SAW). On 24 November 2011, saman dance has been designated as the Representative List of Cultural Heritage objects by UNESCO at the 6th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Cultural Heritage Protection.

The dance was created by Sheikh Saman in XIV century AD, from the Gayo highlands Aceh. Originally, this dance is a game called Pok Ane people. However, then added accompaniment poems containing praises to God, and accompanied also by a combination of the dancers. At that time, saman dance become one of the media propaganda. Saman dance reflects the educational, religious, manners, heroism, teamwork and togetherness.

The Saman dancer is composed of young men who use custom clothing. In general, saman dance played by a dozen or dozens of men, but the number must be odd. There is another argument that the dancer less than 10 people, with details of 8 dancers and 2 as the grantor while singing. However, the development in the modern era requires that a dance would be more lively when performed by dancers with higher numbers. To set the various movements instituted a leader who called sheikh. In addition to regulating the movement of the dancers, Sheikh is also should sing a song of saman lyrics namely ganit.

Posted by Indonesia Dalam Bingkai at 11:53 AM 0 comments