Begalan Arts, The Philosophy of Life

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Begalan is a type of traditional Banyumas art in Banyumas region of Indonesia. This art is usually performed in a series of wedding ceremony. It is shown when the groom and his entourage entered the court of the bride house. Word begalan is similar to robberies in Banyumas language. The interesting part of the art is the dialogue between the mugged by the robber typically contain criticism and advice for prospective brides and delivered in a style full of witty humor.

The ceremony is held when the bridegroom is the eldest son. Begalan art actually is a combination of dance and the art of speech or the art of clowning with accompaniment gending (Banyumas local music instrument). As classical dance, the dance movement is not so attached to certain important benchmark in tune with the rhythm of the dance movement of gending. This arts consists of 2 dancers, one to act as a carrier of goods (kitchen appliances), a longer acting as a robbers. The goods were taken, among others steamer, sieve residue, and winnowing tray. Their luggage is usually called brenong. Harrier usually carry a wooden sword.

Costume players quite simple, they generally wear Javanese cloth. The dialog presented both players be translated from the language of the symbols items taken, for example, the fan bamboo, interpreted as a warning to husbands and wives to distinguish good and bad. Rice means that life requires a container that has a certain order so it should not be done arbitrarily themselves. Steamers are cooking appliance or cook rice, it symbolizes that after marriage the way he thinks should be cooked or baked. Besides enjoying the attractions of dance skill and gending rhythm, the audience was also treated to interesting of  full humor dialogues. 

Posted by Indonesia Dalam Bingkai at 7:27 AM  


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