Kecak, The Unique Dance From Bali

Friday, October 12, 2012

Kecak is a traditional Balinese dance Indonesia. This dance was created in the 1930s and played mainly by men. This dance is performed by many (tens or more) male dancers who sat lined circle and with a certain rhythm called "cak" and raised both arms, depicting the story of Ramayana when Rama's line of apes help fight Ravana. However, Kecak dance usually called sanghyang ritual, where the dancers will be in unconscious condition to communicate with God or the spirits of the ancestors, and then convey their expectations to the community.

The dancers were sitting in a circle wearing plaid fabric like a chessboard their waist. Besides the dancers, there were other dancers who portray the characters of Ramayana as Rama, Shinta, Ravana, Hanuman and Sugriva. Kecak dance songs taken from the ritual dances sanghyang. In addition, the instrument is not in use. Only used bracelet imposed on foot of dancers who portray the characters of Ramayana.

Around the 1930's Wayan Limbak worked with Germany painter Walter Spies to create the Kecak Dance according to the tradition of the Ramayana story. Wayan Limbak popularizing this dance around the world with his Balinese dance troupe. Whenever you come to Bali island, you will see the Kecak dance. So, why not come and enjoy this unique traditional dance?

Posted by Indonesia Dalam Bingkai at 3:47 AM  


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